Dribs, drabs or drips? You make the call

B. Jay Cooper
6 min readMar 7, 2023



The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Trump on the stump. Former President Trump appeared on home turf this weekend when he spoke for two hours(!) to his homies at CPAC, an organization that has morphed from conservative Republicans to crazy people. The two hours consisted of riffs we’ve all heard before and a couple of new ones. (“I am your retribution!”) But, according to CNN’s ace fact-checker Daniel Dale, Trump was up to his old tricks/lies (read for yourself: https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/03/06/exp-fact-checking-donald-trumps-cpac-speech.cnn). And he visited the site of the Ohio train derailment. While he didn’t toss bottles of Trump-branded water to the citizens, of course he promised he would send some. (Reminder: He never misses a commercial opportunity.)

Dirty little non-secrets. The Fox News channel was exposed via discovery in the Dominion…



B. Jay Cooper
B. Jay Cooper

Written by B. Jay Cooper

Former deputy White House press secretary (Reagan and Bush 41) and former head of communications at Republican Natl Committee. My blog: bjaycooper.com.

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