Member-only story
Signs you’re getting old(er)
Like you, I’ve been getting older for a long time. In fact, since my day of birth in 1950. Lord, am I getting older.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy that I’m getting older and I hope I get older for many years to come. But, every now and then I think about what’s changed in my life over the years.
For example, yesterday I had my Annual Medicare Wellness Visit.
Annual. Medicare. Wellness. Visit.
(And I hope that appointment is on my calendar for many annuals to come.)
Talking about that appointment, without getting into many details (not because my medical info is private but some just isn’t really up for gentile discussion) I just got back from the hospital where I went for X-rays ordered by my nurse practitioner (NP) yesterday. Was for my hands which for a few months now have felt very tight, especially in the mornings, especially the index fingers and wrists.
Originally, I thought it was related to my golf swing and I was swinging wrong. But, no, that is my real swing.
And, no, I didn’t fall or get into a fight with an anti-vaxxer. Actually I was pretty sure I knew what it was before I raised it with my NP. At my age you sense these things. Arthritis. 99 percent positive but the X-rays will confirm. Arthritis, another blessing you get that says, yes, you are getting older.
Parts are wearing out.