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Some lessons from Mueller Rep
4 min readApr 19, 2019
The long-awaited Mueller Report is out (redacted) and basically tells each side of America’s polarization they were right. Some thoughts:
- Whether you think President Trump is guilty of crimes or not, one thing is clear. He’s an unethical, mobster-like (at least the Hollywood version) president who daily lies, gives orders to staff who, according to the report and its assigned tasks to investigate, smart enough to ignore his orders.(Uh, read that last part again: the President of the United States orders to his staff often are ignored because following them would be criminal or morally wrong.)
- Trump, who fancies himself — and is — a brilliant marketer and master of branding has succeeded in damaging seriously the United States brand of free speech, freedom of the press, a beacon for immigrants, rule of law and other institutions we are respected for. And he did it in just two years.
- Trump was smart enough to know that when a special counsel was appointed he was “fucked” — a quote that likely will be widely remembered in future volumes of presidential quotes. The counsel, though, didn’t “fuck” the President, the President “fucked” himself with his conduct in office.
- Special Counsel Bob Mueller once again in his career proved he is a straight shooter. Every word of his report was carefully chosen, every rule of the Department of Justice was followed. He did not “charge” Trump with obstruction of justice because the Department of Justice has a rule or policy against indicting a sitting…